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Wenn Ihre Schuhe nicht die bequemsten Schuhe sind, die Sie je getragen haben, erhalten Sie innerhalb von 30 Tagen eine volle Rückerstattung. Ohne weitere Fragen.
Auf Ihre Bestellung erhalten Sie außerdem eine einjährige Garantie, die alle Mängel und Probleme mit Ihren Schuhen abdeckt.
Weniger als 1 % der Menschen nehmen unsere Komfortgarantie in Anspruch.
Die richtige Größe ist das Wichtigste und es sollte nicht Ihre Schuld sein, wenn Ihr Schuh nicht perfekt passt. Deshalb bieten wir kostenlose Rücksendungen mit einer Rundum-Sorglos-Garantie an.
Barfußschuhe sollten etwas enger sitzen als herkömmliche Schuhe. Deshalb empfiehlt unser Expertenteam, eine Nummer kleiner als Ihre herkömmliche Schuhgröße zu wählen.
Wir verkaufen einfach unglaublichen Komfort. Deshalb ist der Versand bei allen Bestellungen über 95 $ 100 % kostenlos
You Probably Didn't Know This
Nature designed your feet to do amazing things.
Things you’ve probably never experienced, because your feet have been restricted for decades.
Did you know? Your feet are designed to

And this is a big but...
These healing abilities can only be activated when moving as nature intended.

1. Let Your Toes Wiggle And Spread Freely
Try wiggling your toes around for five seconds…
Not much room right?
Well… This is more serious than you think. Let me explain.
The nerves in and around your toes are being compressed. That means that the tissue around them is thickening with each step.
Over time, it can destroy the function of these nerves.
And of course, we all know how bad bunions can get too...
By choosing a wide toe box with room for your toes to wiggle, not only do you end this viscous cycle but you can rapidly reverse it.

2. Understand The Arch Support Myth
You may be thinking: “what about arch support?”
The arch support you see on the latest orthopaedic shoes provides some artifical relief, but makes the core problem far, far worse.
You see, the people who lust for arch support are the people who need stronger arches…
Current solutions snuggly make them feel supported.
But this is all artificial and temporary…
This way, you take away all ability for them to get stronger…
And even worse... Making them weaker with every step.
That’s why your feet feel like an aching mess after a day of wearing those shoes.
You need to solve the core problem.
Barefoot shoes allow your feet to get stronger with every step.

3. Align Your Body
When someone mentions your posture, what comes to mind? Do you think: “I have great posture!”
Well, if you’re anything like my patients, then I would assume the answer is no…
A healthy postureis one of your best defences against foot pain.
If your posture is poor, your body is misaligned.
I often tell my patients that a misaligned body is like opening the door for all kinds of issues to stroll in.
But fixing your posture… That’s like closing the door shut, and locking it.
Through their zero drop sole, barefoot shoe provide a foundation for your posture to improve dramatically.
They do this by aligning your steps.
By aligning your steps, the rest of your body follows…

4. Your Nerves Are Begging For Change
Your current shoes are doing a terrible job with distributing pressure. We’ve already established that.
But now we add the fact that they are heavy..
So now you’re putting huge weight and pressure on your feet., and let me tell you… Every single little nerve can feel that pressure.
There’s nothing more your feet want than the feeling of wearing almost nothing.
When you switch to barefoot shoes, it will feel like taking off a winter coat on a blazing hot summer day.

5. Move As Nature Intended
Have you ever noticed your shoes have a rigid structure.
You may be asking: "Why?"
It’s to help runners be faster.
But for everyone else...
There’s something they didn’t tell you.
Leaders in new bio-mechanical research have found that the structure of the average shoe can add 5x more stress to your feet.
They now swear by flexibility-first, highlighting the life-changing benefits for those with foot pain.

And simply, that’s why your current shoe always deliver pain